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Gallery Images - 000 : Featuring our 2023 Battle of Waterloo Replay Battle Scenes

These are digital art and traditional art images; they portray various actions during the Battle of Waterloo.

The basis of the images are screenshots made during play action of the computer strategy wargame: 'Scourge of War: Waterloo'

Click on thumbnail images below to view full-size pictures.

Private Gorge Rose, 73rd Foot; breakfast.

French advance against Hougoumont's Garden.

Jacquinot's Lancers attack British Dragoons.

Ney's cavalry charges begin.

Night following the battle of Waterloo.

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French Light infantry attack Hougoumont's Garden.

D'Erlon's infantry attack on Wellington's Left Flank.

Picton's Highlanders fight French attack.

Scots Greys charge.

Bijlandt's Dutch-Belgian brigade in action.

Ghingy's cavalry to the rescue..

Captain Mercer's battery in action.

Vandeleurs Dragoons charge French lancers.

Wellington's infantry before forming squares.

French Imperial Horse Grenadiers charge.

Prussians nearing Wellington's Left Flank.

Kings German Legion cavalry counter-charge.

Prussians ready to attack.

Prussians ready to link with Wellington.

Delaney rides to meet Prussians.

Highlander square under attack.

KGL square defending crossroads.

A Hanoverian square faces a French attack.

Duke of Wellington talks with Muffling.

Bulow's Prussian cavalry advance.

Merlen's Dutch-Belgian cavalry.

Subervie's French lancers face the Prussians.

Imperial Guard horse Artillery in action

Lambert's 27th Foot square.

Prussian Uhlans charge Lobau's defenders.

British Foot Guards square.

Ney's leads the Red Lancers.

French artillery destroying Wellington's center.

Middle Guard Square attacks Wellington.

Prussians crush French right flank.

Here comes the Imperial Guard.

Napoleon leads his Imperial Guard.

Wellington on the skyline

A Hanoverian square faces a French attack.

Hanoverians fire at Imperial Guard.

Vivian's Hussars charge the French.

British Hussar Trumpeter sounds last call.

Khramer's battery blasts French column.

Imperial Guard last stand.

Prussians capturing Plancenoit.

Halkett's British rally.

Vandeleur arrives in army's center.

Halkett's brigade gets ready.